Two of Bells



Balance — Accord

Harmony — Equality

Exchanges — Sharing

Two of Bells card



    • A place or time of peace, after or apart from a tumultuous situation.
    • An environment where one can rest and recuperate.
    • Letting injuries and strains heal.
    • A time for reflection.
    • Cycles which maintain balance: work-play-rest cycle or anything along those lines. Finding a balance between more strenuous activities and relaxation.
    • Rest and restful activities which make more strenuous efforts sustainable.
    • Being in a place of peace and tranquility.
    • Taking a break during a busy day.
    • Taking a vacation.

The Two of Bells is Ether (places, space, journeys) related to peace, harmony, and balance, which are indicated by the number two. It signifies a time of convalescence and distance, perhaps a reprieve after arduous conflict or illness. This time to rest and collect oneself, and perhaps reflect on all that has happened. The air clears to create a serene space to find peace and understanding. Here one may be relieved of many burdens.

If it does not concern recovery specifically, this can be any passive mode which must counterbalance activity.

Card Affiliations

Interpretations of the Two of Bells are similar to interpretations of the Four of Swords Waite-Smith tarot and in many universal tarot decks.




    • Not feeling up to the task.
    • Hesitancy to commit to anything.
    • Preferring not to rock the boat.
    • Resistance to the path ahead.
    • Being passive and/or disengaged.
    • Preferring mediocre peace to difficult victories.
    • Choosing not to get involved.
    • Leaving things to work themselves out.
    • Taking the easy road.
    • Putting off a difficult task or decision.
    • Avoiding something which must eventually be faced.

The Abstract Two of Bells signifies abstract Ether (distance, waiting, choosing paths) related to balance and harmony signified by the number two. It can mean avoidance, preferring apprehensive peace to the work of solving problems.