Four of Cups


Primary Element:


Secondary Element:


Four of Cups card



    • Connections with the world and others in it, forged through work and social efforts.
    • Collaborative working, teamwork.
    • A group of people united in a cause.
    • Making contributions to a team effort.
    • Presenting a solo project to a group of people for feedback.
    • Peer review.
    • Communication necessary to get along with others. Communication necessary for groups of people — families, friends, coworkers — to get along or function properly.
    • Having the support of a team or of friends.
    • Succeeding as a team.
    • Getting the job done with help from others.

The Four of Cups is Water (connection, devotion) related to the element Earth (work, wealth, labor, basic function). It signifies being united with others in some form of work, be it work for a social cause or a business initiative.

If one is not presently working with such a team, perhaps it is a hint that one could benefit from joining a team, making a contribution to a group effort, or presenting a current solo project to others for feedback and peer review.

This card could also signify communication necessary for a system to function nominally. Whether it be at home or work, or anywhere else, it is easy to imagine what such communication might entail. Sometimes communication is necessary for one's emotional system to function nominally, especially if one has air to clear or grievances to voice with others. If the matter at hand is entirely intrapersonal, self-communication like tarot spreads and subsequent journal entries can work well.




    • Satisfaction in the mundanity and even in the midst of the tediousness of life.
    • Sensual pleasure, enjoyment of the body and the world.
    • Enjoyment of food, fine interiors and art, and music.
    • Simplistic enjoyment: being satisfied by the pleasantness of things alone, without concern for the bigger picture.
    • Satisfaction derived from material things.

The Abstract Four of Cups sometimes signifies sensual pleasure and worldly hedonism, such as the love of good food, bodily comfort, and simple crafts and entertainment. If such pleasure is aroused by works of art, it is enough that the works of art, and likewise songs, be pretty and pleasant. It is unconcerned with the greater meaning.

It may also signify satisfaction in the midst of the most mundane aspects of life, and not feeling wanting for something more or something deeper.

This is a card of simple pleasures.