Six of Bells


Primary Element:


Secondary Element:


Six of Bells card



    • A pilgrimage to a culturally or spiritually significant place.
    • A pilgrimage to find something Water-related: beauty, art, peace, connections.
    • An undertaking through which one learns about Water-related things, like love, connection, art, spirituality, and mystery.
    • A culturally or spiritually significant place.
    • An exceptional time or place, beyond the norm, full of mysteries and unknowns.

The Six of Bells is Ether (journeys, places, stories) related to the element Water (mood, art, fulfillment, emotions). It often represents a kind of pilgrimage, or a journey to a spiritually or socially significant site. It could also signify a journey of discovery which is full of trials, but through which one learns a great deal about what is most important to them, especially if they learn about the art of connection with themselves, with others, and with the universe.

This card could represent a socially or spiritually significant place in itself: Disney World or Times Square, Machu Pichu or Angkor Wat. It may be a place that people from a given culture are expected to visit at least once in their lifetimes. It may simply be a place that one has always dreamed of visiting.

Alternatively, it simply represents a remarkable place, full of wonders which can mystify, and perhaps guide people to discover new sources of beauty, awe, fulfillment, and art. Such mystification could also lead to darker paths, like those which are illuminated by The Moon.

Card Affiliations

Unlike The Lantern, which oftentimes represents seclusion, this card represents getting out into the world and undertaking a quest or a journey, or simply going someplace significant. The end result may still be the same: self-understanding may grow and a better grasp of what is important or sacred may be gained.




    • Missing someone, or more than one person— longing to see them again.
    • Nostalgia— magical snapshots of the past. The power of nostalgic memories to direct thoughts and feelings.
    • The call of past and potential emotional heights.
    • A web of powerful emotions and associated thoughts in which one could willingly spend significant amount of time, and perhaps get lost.
    • Feeling haunted by someone or something.
    • Awe, being mystified.
    • A presence that can be felt everywhere.
    • Thinking about what could have been.
    • Possibly a missing person.

For the Abstract Six of Bells, the qualities of a calling, a path, or a vastness emerge from the primary element Ether (the suit of bells), while the qualities of emotions, magic, and connection emerge from the secondary element Water (the number six).

This card represents, perhaps, a very strong emotional tug. It could be the pull of nostalgia on one's thoughts, transporting them to another time, or it could be the lure of beauty. It could also be an expanse of thoughts and feelings, which seems like it could be explored for ages, that is brought on by a work of art, connections with other people, or by any other enchanting occasion.

It is the poignant gravity and grandeur of something wonderful, mysteriously powerful, perhaps beautiful, and perhaps somewhat intoxicating.

It could also signify feeling mystified, enchanted, or even haunted, a by a presence that seems to emanate from everywhere. A visit from a very dear friend may leave one with a sense of their presence for weeks on end. Likewise, when falling in love one may see everything as though in the presence of the one whom they love. This could also be a negative, or beguiling presence, as when one is haunted by a recent argument, or when one has been tormented by an enemy.