Four of Wands


Primary Element:


Secondary Element:


Four of Wands card



    • Physical items being broken, accidentally or intentionally.
    • Physical items malfunctioning, breaking on their own.
    • Weathering by the elements, wearing down of physical items, elements of the landscape, or shelters by natural forces.
    • Something once thought sound or guaranteed can no longer be taken for granted.
    • A security breach, robbery, vandalism, or violation of personal safety— a physical attack.
    • A verbal or psychological attack that shatters someone's sense of security.

The Four of Wands is Fire (change, destruction, disruption) related to the element Earth (physical items, natural forces, security, wealth, the physical body). It represents weathering by the elements, breaking of physical items, or possibly security breaches.

If it represents weathering, it could represent the natural erosion of the landscape by the elements, wear and tear on tools and decorations, or damages to shelters and dwellings.

If it represents breaking of physical items, it could be accidental or on purpose— out of good, neutral, or ill will.

If it represents a security breach, it could represent robbery, vandalism, or a violation of personal safety— a physical attack. It may also represent any kind of attack which can shatter a person's sense of security.




    • Desire for material things, necessities, skills or knowhow.
    • An unsettled frame of mind, for want or fear for the future, which may lead to a more secure situation in the end.
    • Greed which causes one to take more than their fair share.
    • A materialistic mindset— identifying excessively with one's wealth, possessions, or physical appearance.
    • Identifying with one or more particular physical objects: "This [shirt, watch, skateboard] is so me."
    • Wanting one or more particular physical objects: that silk scarf, that sports car, that collectible figurine.

The Abstract Four of Wands is abstract Fire (discomfort, desire, identification, ego) related to the element Earth (material items, wealth, security, the physical body). It could signify discomfort and desire for skills or material wealth, unsettledness which could lead to a better quality of life in the end. However, such desires could also be the foundation for uncompromised greed, which could cause one to take more than their fair share. The contexts and causes of such emotions contribute to how they will eventually play out.

When it represents a pragmatic want for material goods or skills, this card represents a healthy drive even while it may come with some unpleasant feelings. While the stress of making ends meet or finishing a project is difficult, done correctly it build a better foundation for the future.

This card may also mean that one is identifying excessively with the material, their wealth, possessions, or lack thereof, or their physical presentation. In other words, it may signify a materialistic mindset.