Four of Coins


Primary Element:


Secondary Element:


Four of Coins card



    • The capacity to continue as is, without worry for unexpected crises— preparedness.
    • Stocking up on supplies and fortifying one's home. Working to prepare in case of a disaster.
    • Maintaining the status quo; possibly stagnation.
    • The usual, nothing new, more of the same.
    • A fortress, designed to protect from the unexpected. Could also be a home or a dwelling, or any place designed to maintain security.

The Four of Coins is a double-Earth elemental card. It can signify the capacity to to continue with the present state of things without something going awry. Supplies are sufficient, equipment is in good working order, potential mishaps have been prepared for in advance, no catastrophic upheavals are likely.

It can also indicate more of the ordinary, with no possibility for any change on the horizon. Stagnation is probable in such conditions— progress may be hindered. The environment which provides the capacity to continue as is may also limit the capacity for experimentation, as well as for entertaining new ideas.

Mundane toil, repetitive tasks, and stocking up on supplies for the future are also possible actions represented by this card, as is fortifying one's home.

This card can specifically represent the home or the dwelling. It can similarly represent a fortress or any protected area, even a national park or a wildlife preserve. In general, if it represents a home, a dwelling, a fortress, or any protected space, it likely connects that place with a desire to keep out harm, or any kind of change. As such, the place could be a pragmatically maintained safe space, or it could be a stagnant environment.




    • Lack of care for the complexity of life.
    • Resistance to change, or feeling that change is impossible.
    • Complacent comfort, which could lead to a worse quality of life for oneself or for those around them.
    • A false sense of security.
    • Never trying anything new.
    • Wanting things to stay the same forever.

The Abstract Four of Coins is a double-Earth elemental card. It signifies emotional or intellectual stagnation.

It could represent a lack of curiosity, or trusting that things are good enough the way they are, or even comfort with a hint of complacency which could give way to carelessness.