Five of Swords


Primary Element:


Secondary Element:


Five of Swords card



    • How one imagines something is, or how something will be.
    • A theory: a conceptual model for anything, physical or mental, used to predict the way the world behaves.
    • A prediction for how things will turn out, based on events up to the present.
    • A likeness, a simulacrum, an effigy, a counterfeit, a substitute.

The Five of Swords is Air (concepts, logic, models) related to the element Ether (experience in itself). It can represent detailed conceptualizations of processes or worldly elements, including what one can expect from them. In other words, this represents theoretical modeling, accurate or otherwise. Accurate models can enable people to more capably contend with what the world throws at them.

This can also be interpreted as knowledge regarding how things will turn out based on past experiences. Such knowledge of the future always comes with the caveat that one's past experiences are limited, and subject to personal perspective and emotions.

In spreads, the Five of Swords card can serve to call attention to the fact that one's expectations are derived mostly from past experiences, or it could serve as a reminder to consider past experiences when attempting to make sense of a current predicament. Additionally, this could call attention to the models and theories surrounding the present position. Are these models correct? How did they come to exist? Why do they matter?

On the other hand, this card may represent a simulacrum, a likeness or resemblance of something real. It could be an effigy, counterfeit currency or art, or vegetable-based fake meat to list some examples. Such a simulacrum may be a decoy, or part of a ruse, or it could be a source of enrichment if it is something enjoyable in itself.




    • Getting a new perspective on things.
    • Intrigue at the possibility of unknown factors, or intrigue at alternate possibilities.
    • Imagining possibilities, or brainstorming.
    • Expansion of awareness.
    • Doubt in established or widely-accepted conventions.
    • Building doubt.
    • Losing one's religion.

The Abstract Five of Swords represents abstract Air (curiosity, certainty or doubt, understanding) related to the element Ether (the vastness, the unknown, the big picture). This card is often a symbol of doubt, or expanded awareness and new perspectives which cause a person to doubt.

It can also represent intrigue at unknown factors and alternate possibilities, likely diverging from what the mainstream believes or cares about.