Two of Coins



Balance — Accord

Harmony — Equality

Exchanges — Sharing

Two of Coins card



    • Sharing wealth, giving to charity, helping friends in need.
    • Ensuring material security for the future, or savoring the fruits of material security in the present.
    • Questioning what one really needs to get by in life; possibly getting rid of excess.
    • Being helped toward financial security.
    • Finding ways to live more harmoniously with nature: composting, recycling, using energy-efficient appliances, installing solar panels.
    • The right balance of material components for a comfortable and prosperous existence.

The Two of Coins is Earth (wealth, skills, stability) related to peace, harmony, and balance which are indicated by the number two. It signifies living in harmony with nature, striking a balance between spending and saving, or perhaps charitable donations or work to help those who have less.

If it pertains to spending, this is a card that says, "Use what is needed to be satisfied today, while ensuring that there is enough for tomorrow." It conveys a middle way where spending and saving are concerned, favoring neither giving up present fulfillment to save everything for the future, nor giving into all desires only to face financial shortcomings in the future.

Provided that one is in a position to delegate resources, in a managerial position or elsewhere, then this card may call their attention to the power that they have. It may be time to ask what other people need, so that they can live and work in greater comfort. It may also suggest volunteering time or donating money to provide for others' fundamental needs.

Conversely, it could represent a person or people on the receiving end of charitable effort, being helped toward a greater measure of security or being granted the comfort and satisfaction of a meal or a place to rest for a while.

Living in harmony with nature could mean recycling more refuse, investing in solar panels or other forms of green energy, exchanging a grass lawn in favor of regional flora, paying attention to where one's food comes from, or any other steps to be a better steward of the planet and the environment which sustain everyone's health. It could also mean taking advantage of the beauty and pleasure to be gained from adding natural elements to one's dwelling, like a garden, or a house plant, or even photos of parks and wildlife.




    • Comfort with one's body, with one's dwelling, with one's access to food, and with one's material wealth in general.
    • Sources of simple comforts: comfort food, comfortable furniture, anything that eases tensions.
    • Feeling secure. Not fearing catastrophe.
    • Acceptance of suboptimal aspects of life within a favorable bigger picture.
    • Accepting other people for who they are; being comfortable with other people.
    • Healthy realism.
    • Letting go of unhealthy expectations.
    • Being happy with things as they are.
    • Focusing on comforting things in the midst of setbacks.

The Abstract Two of Coins is abstract Earth (comfort, personal stability, having a foundation) related to peace, harmony, and balance which are indicated by the number two. It typically signifies comfort and security in basic measures of well-being: comfort with the body, with the dwelling, with food and drink. This is the comfort of being able to leisurely enjoy a good meal in good company, without fear of illness, poverty, or conflict.

It may even be the comfort that comes with acceptance and letting go of unrealistic ideals, for the self, for others, or for the world at large. In this case, it is a feeling of personal security grounded in reality— being at peace with the way things are. This can be a card of healthy realism.