Six of Coins


Primary Element:


Secondary Element:


Six of Coins card



    • Works of art, galleries, museums.
    • Beautification projects.
    • Decorations, jewelry.
    • Religious, spiritual, or other meaningful artifacts.
    • Nice things that bring people together, like fancy meals.

The Six of Coins is Earth (material possessions, resources, wealth, work) related to the element Water (connections, beauty, fulfillment, spirituality). This card often relates to art: pieces of art, art projects, and things which possess a kind of artistic beauty. These material things invite people to connect with one another or with their sense of beauty, like good food, posh interiors, gardens, etc.

It may also point to religious or spiritual artifacts, or similar artifacts which may remind people of their uniquely profound ways of connecting with the world and with others in it.




    • Having faith in oneself to get by in the world. Being self-assured.
    • Refinement, poise, capability, and self-control.
    • Having an air of distinction.
    • Emotional maturity.
    • Being a reliable friend.
    • Enjoying work life, having a rewarding job.
    • Sense of good things and/or prosperity to come.

The abstract Six of Coins is abstract Earth (stability, security, consistency) related to the element Water (connections, relationships, fulfillment, art). It often symbolizes an emotionally mature person, someone who is a reliable friend. It can also signify refinement and good taste.

The prosperity aspect of Earth combined with the fulfillment aspect of Water can also signify a sense of good things to come where work and finances are concerned. It represent a secure or satisfying job, or emotional commitment to work.