XX. Metamorphosis

Element: Ether

New Calling / Old Calling

Realization / Returning

Absolution / Reconciliation

Renaissance / Sentimentality

Metamorphosis card



    • Throwing off long-shouldered burdens.
    • Leaving the past in the past, focusing on the future.
    • Seeing the light, seeing the best way forward.
    • Knowing what must be done.
    • Having a great realization or experiencing a revelation.
    • Giving in to a long-held desire.
    • Finally getting around to doing something that one was wanted to do for a long time.
    • Forgiving others, letting go of grudges.
    • Accepting the past; accepting how things have played out up to the present.
    • Forgiving oneself or being forgiven by others.
    • Atoning for wrongdoings.
    • Settling old debts, feeling free from past transgressions.
    • Realizing one's purpose in life.

On the winding pathways of Ether, Metamorphosis represents a crucial junction, one where the pathway toward truth, toward bringing about the best future, is wholly conspicuous. Change is coming, and it will be approached willingly because its necessity or goodness can no longer be ignored.

This is a card of revelation, realization, and the process of actualizing what has been revealed or realized.

It represents a time to analyze the past, to learn from mistakes, and to take stock of everything that has led to the great realization. It means planning carefully for the future, for a new day dawning.

There may be a healing taking place, physically or emotionally. Forgiveness, absolution, and atonement may be possible when before they may have seemed out of reach. Relief from long-shouldered burdens may be on the way. In fact, this card may represent the decision to throw off unnecessary burdens, like suffocating jobs or bad relationships. It may also represent the decision to do something that one has wanted to do for a very long time, or to give in to a long-held desire.

Finally, the presence of this card may indicate that the past will begin to feel more like the past, like something that can be put behind or laid to rest.

Card Affiliations

Metamorphosis in the Two Worlds Tarot is interpreted in a manner similar to Judgment in the Waite-Smith tarot and in many universal tarot decks.



    • A reunion of old friends, family members, a high school class, etc.
    • Returning home. Reuniting with aspects of the past.
    • Looking to the past for guidance.
    • Finding a missing person.
    • Connecting with anything which has been distant for some time.

Metamorphosis Reversed represents a significant returning in a person's life, and possibly one which they may not have been able to foresee. It may be the case that they never intended to return to a place they once called home, but they must do so nonetheless, either for their own well-being or for some other purpose.

It may be a return to an abstract home rather than a physical home. Even as people grow, they oftentimes have much that they can learn from their old selves, or their old role models from years past. Upon remembering that a younger version of yourself would have dealt better with present circumstances, it would make sense to allow that version of yourself to have more control, or to have a say at all. Likewise, remembering or encountering a role model from the past may be a reminder of past personality traits or convictions which proved helpful.

This card may also indicate a reunion of long-separated friends, partners, or other family members.