Three of Swords


Primary Element:


Secondary Element:


Three of Swords card



    • Sleight of hand, trickery, a ruse.
    • Hidden agendas, lies, deception.
    • Conflicting stories, contradictory evidence, signs that something may be amiss.
    • Someone going back on their word.
    • Plots behind others' backs.
    • Pranks, practical jokes, surprise party planning.
    • Keeping someone out of the loop.
    • Being in possession of dangerous knowledge.

The Three of Swords is Air (knowledge, information) related to the element Fire (danger, upheaval, conflict). It can represent conflicts and contradictions related to knowledge, things not being as they seem, hidden agendas, or tricks to outwit the intellect or the senses. It may also signify dangerous knowledge which could damage people's lives if it fell into the wrong hands.




    • Curiosity about anything.
    • A pervasive desire to know something.
    • Fascination with anything which drives one to investigate.
    • Wanting more information before making a decision.
    • Being determined to uncover as much information as possible.
    • Wanting to make sense of something.
    • Investigation, possibly spying.
    • Having a problem which may take a few days to figure out.
    • Lack of information as a potential source of trouble down the line.

The Three of Swords is abstract Air (curiosity, knowledge, problem solving) related to the element Fire (desire, discomfort). It can represent problems which one desires to solve, or curiosity about anything. It could also symbolize a problem which must be solved before one can move on with a project or with their life.