Two of Wands



Balance — Accord

Harmony — Equality

Exchanges — Sharing

Two of Wands card



    • A harmonious celebration.
    • A Bacchanalia or raucous party.
    • Harmonious energies resonating with one another.
    • Being energized by good times and celebrations.
    • The transference of energy, or the passing of a literal or proverbial torch.
    • Sharing of power.
    • Transference of energy, from batteries to gadgets or from rivers to water mills.
    • Powerful energies mixed and released in a manner where the outcome is expected.
    • A controlled demolition or explosion.

The Two of Wands is Fire (explosions, raw power, movement, energy) related to peace, harmony, and balance, which are indicated by the number two. It can signify festivals and celebration, perhaps to commemorate achievements or milestones like weddings, anniversaries, and graduations. These are settings where energies of participants can mix and mingle harmoniously.

For one person, it may serve as an invitation to dance to the radio carefree, just to let it all out for the day. Open a bottle of wine and put on a favorite movie or TV show. Play a video game. Alone or with others, accordant energies abound here, so indulge in that which feeds the mind and body, and motivates and inspires.

The Two of Wands may also represent a controlled demolition of, say, a structure which is deteriorated and now poses a threat to anyone in its vicinity.

Other interpretations of this card have to do with the transference of energy or power, where the two signifies two beings or objects as opposed to peace and harmony. It could literally represent the passing of a torch, or some form of energy or power, from one person to another. (The literal or proverbial torch, energy, or power could also become shared between two or more people.) Alternatively, the transference of energy could be between a battery and an electronic gadget, or a river and a water mill.




    • Overwhelming feelings which eventually must be expressed, be they positive or distressing.
    • Righteous indignation, or the desire for justice in general.
    • An impulse, from within or without, which causes someone or something to overcome inertia— to act or to physically move.

The Abstract Two of Wands combines abstract Fire (desire, anger, moral conviction) with the balance and harmony implied by the number two.

It could signify something as simple as an impulse which breaks the hold of inertia, and sets a person in motion. For example, feelings which have built up over time oftentimes must be released, lest one proverbially burst, be they positive or distressing. Abstract (reversed) suit cards typically signify things which are subjective experiences and not necessarily present in the physical world. However, tarot card meanings are also mutable and highly context dependent, so in addition to an impulse from within this card could also signify an impulse from without which physically moves a person or an object.

The Abstract Two of Wands could also signify righteous indignation at observed injustices, or a pronounced feeling of unfairness in a troublesome situation. When acted upon with care, this emotion could be a significant driving force in righting the wrongs which brought it about. Unbridled it could make the situation far more complicated and vexing. Proceed with caution if this emotion is present.