I. The Vector

Element: Air

Triumph / Last Resort

Virtuosity / Impudence

Alacrity / Restriction

Headliners / Swindlers

The Vector card



    • A person of great capability in a place and time where their skills can them and others to huge successes.
    • Focusing on an important, possibly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
    • Being "the one for the job" at a certain juncture.
    • Having what it takes to make great things possible, or to make possible what is seemingly impossible.
    • Rare talents which wow and amaze people. Being a showstopper.
    • Intense focus and concentration.
    • Knowledge and ability that helps turn dreams into reality.

The Vector is a card of realization. Being decisive and assured, advancing expeditiously, and attaining are all aspects of this major.

"Talent" is an important keyword for this card. Those who embody The Vector have talents which allow them to quickly envision and realize a pathway toward success. These talents can be many or few, but regardless of their number they all enable people to attain amazing, maybe even spellbinding achievements. With such talent people can realize physical security, or attain artistic greatness, or both. Such talents can go beyond mastery of skills or subjects, by imparting valuable personal character and insights into them, or by expanding them— taking them in new directions not previously imagined.

This card may indicate any person's unique talent which could be especially helpful in a given situation. It also may indicate a situation in which the talents of the person or people involved can truly shine, and make the most of it— a golden opportunity, being at the right place at the right time.

If this card signifies a person, then it likely signifies a person whose talents wow the people around them. They may be a captivating presence, a star of the proverbial show who makes certain difficult tasks seem easy.

The vector represents swift, yet highly knowledgeable actions and decisions, hence it is a major in the realm of Air.

Card Affiliations

The Vector is the Two Worlds Tarot counterpart to The Magician, Major Arcana number I in the Waite-Smith tarot and in many universal tarot decks. This card's meaning differs moderately from the universal meanings widely used for The Magician. Universal meanings for The Magician can be substituted or used to alter this card's meaning if the reader desires.



    • Being unable to discover one's own unique greatness, or to move toward such discovery.
    • Being unable to act, decide, and achieve, unable to acquire the knowledge necessary to decide or act, or to put applicable knowledge to use.
    • Indecisiveness, hesitancy.
    • Not having what it takes to tackle the task at hand in a respectable manner.
    • Turning to morally dubious methods to do what must be done.
    • Lying, cheating, stealing.
    • Manipulation of other people.
    • False teachings. Nonsense or subjugation presented as wisdom.

The Vector Reversed indicates that the matters at hand may exceed the capabilities of the person or people who are facing them. Not everything they need will be at their disposal, and they may not have the talent to bring about the desired outcome. A desirable outcome, or the pathway to such an outcome, may not even be visible in the first place.

However, this card can also symbolize being sneaky, being manipulative, lying, stealing, and perhaps cheating to get to the desired outcome.

Everyone has to be a little manipulative at times. Everyone fudges the truth on occasion. If the means to accomplish what needs to be done aren't otherwise available, then perhaps being a little underhanded is the way to go about it so long as the ends justify the means.

The Vector Reversed can also indicate an outright thief, cheat, or manipulator: someone blessed with the talents for crime and guile.