Three of Wands


Primary Element:


Secondary Element:


Three of Wands card



    • Something to be avoided if at all possible.
    • An explosion, demolition, or other similar event which cannot be controlled.
    • A source of immense distress which cannot be effectively fought, which must be endured or escaped.
    • An energetic disaster, or an interpersonal explosion from which relationships may not recover.
    • Serious illness, natural disaster, or an attack which threatens the future of a city, or a person's life.

The Three of Wands (double Fire elemental) signifies something which is either very difficult or impossible to overcome. It is the source of chaotic energy or overwhelming distress. Resolve and tenacity can make its presence easier to bear, but ultimately the source of trouble may have to pass with time, unless it can be escaped. Alternatively, this represents an uncontrolled explosion, demolition, or any very energetic disaster— a tornado, a hurricane, an earthquake, or anything else along those lines.

Card Affiliations

The Objective Three of Wands is similar to the Ten of Swords in universal tarot decks.




    • Fanaticism. Fanatical movements. Possibly joining a fanatical movement.
    • People who rule with an iron fist, dictators and despots.
    • Martyrdom, sacrificing oneself for an idea.
    • Working oneself to the bone for a cause.
    • Being closed off to other points of view.
    • Hubris, egotism, or pride which may prevent people from seeing the harm they cause themselves or others.
    • Selfishness, desiring only for oneself to the exclusion of others.
    • Self-absorption.

The Abstract Three of Wands is a double-Fire elemental card. It represents egotism, fanaticism, or sacrificing oneself for a cause. Martyrs and martyrdom are signified by this card, as are dictators and fanatical leaders and movements, as both cannot be swayed from the causes with which they so deeply identify.

It may also represent intense pride or hubris, which prevents a person from seeing possibilities apart from that which they believe in or desire.