The Six of Wands is Fire (change, upheaval, energy, will) related to the element Water (relationships, connection, affinity). It symbolizes changes in the social landscape, oftentimes due to disturbances. It may represent conflict, partings of ways, or events or scandals which drastically altar relationships or larger social circles. Such changes or instability may make things unsuitable for gatherings or business arrangements.
Sometimes the disturbances are not the product of interpersonal conflict or distancing and more strictly unavoidable, such as individuals or families having to relocate for financial or other unavoidable reasons.
The Abstract Six of Wands represents abstract Fire (strife, dislike, discomfort, pain) related to the element Water (connection, relationships, emotions, spirituality). It generally signifies hurt feelings or emotional strife.
The Abstract Six of Wands in the Two Worlds Tarot is interpreted in a manner similar to the Three of Swords in the Waite-Smith tarot and in many universal tarot decks.