

The element Ether concerns time, cycles, stories, and patterns. It is the vastness. It is the big picture, the sum of all experiences, as well as the great beyond which eludes everyone. The realm of ether is the realm of the infinite labyrinth that is reality itself, and the pathways of fables wind throughout— it is the realm of endless becoming.




    • The ability to move freely, not being bound by anything in an realm.
    • Abilities that remove barriers to movement, travel, or having different experiences.
    • Someone who is considered a guru.
    • Mastery of movement among the realms, knowing the grounds of existence like the back of one's hand.
    • A comprehensive map.
    • Collections of diverse experiences and stories, which may be made accessible and preserved so that they are not lost to history.

Ether Attained may represent a professional traveler, or a gifted storyteller, or a guide through any physical or metaphysical realms. It is the ability to move between realms, and to make passageways for those who may need to make similar movements. This is the mastery of the grounds of existence, so to speak, and the knowledge of those grounds like the back of one's hand.

This card represents freedom to go and to follow callings; not being tied down by work or other obligation, not being constrained by external or internal forces. Furthermore, it suggests skills which remove barriers and hindrances, thereby allow for free movements. Ether Attained could also be thought of as having abilities which remove barriers.

Finally, it may represent a wealth of diverse experiences, or a collection of diverse stories and the abilities to make them accessible and to ensure that they, or their most important aspects, are not lost to history.




    • A key— something which opens a new way.
    • The opening of a new way or path.
    • An escape route.
    • New experiences.
    • Walking a novel road.
    • Journeying into the unknown.
    • Unfamiliarity that provides new direction.

As with all Emergent elements, this card most likely represents a proverbial gift from the universe, something new related to the element Ether. Since Ether is the element related to pathways, stories, and experiences, Ether Emergent is likely related to having novel experiences or telling stories previously unheard. Specifically, it could point to a way out of a troublesome or suffocating situation— an escape hatch to freedom being opened.

This may signify doing something completely out of the ordinary, or something that one has never done before.

Card Affiliations

Emergent elements correspond with Aces in Waite-Smith and other universal tarot decks. However, because there is no suit of Bells in universal tarot decks, this card has nothing like a universal tarot equivalent.